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New action group formed

Communities Against Rural Industrial Expansion

Many residents have raised great concerns about the huge concrete plant which has been built next to Wrenbury Station without planning permission. There is an action committee that is doing its best to fight this application, via contact with Cheshire East Council, Councillors, and our MP.

The group is called CARIE – Communities Against Rural Industrial Expansion.

If you have concerns about his development that you have not already submitted to Cheshire East Council,  or have examples of the impact on your lives, please email these to the CARIE team using the button below or the link at the top of this page. Thank you.

Batching Plant from Station Platform.jpg

New Concrete Plant:
Nantwich News Feature

"Angry residents object to firm’s concrete plant near Nantwich"

Detailed article on the Nantwich News website today regarding the huge new concrete plant in Wrenbury. The plant has now been built - without planning permission - and can be seen towering over Wrenbury station.
Click the button below to read the full article on the Nantwich News website: 

View of Illegal Construction from Wrenbu

Concrete Batching Plant
Planning Application

The deadline has now passed for comments on this application. At present there are almost 70 comments from members of the public - this is likely to increase as it often takes a day or two before comments are shown on the Cheshire East Council website.

Click the button below to go to the
relevant page on the CEC website.

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